Periods, periodt.
Female Quotient (amazing queens) hosted a panel on the stigma around periods…it was incredible and got me super amped up. I’ve been dealing with some sacred rage as it relates to some of the parameters and judgement going on around menstruation - ahem, Florida.
I remember being a young girl wanting my period so badly b/c all of my friends had gotten it, I didn’t get it until I was 16! We learned about it in school as it relates to what happens to the egg if you don’t get pregnant, so entirely around procreation.
It’s. So. Much. Bigger. Than. That.
For me, my monthly period is signaling to me that my body is happy, healthy, and functioning beautifully! In college, when we were having quite a bit of sex and we’d be “late”, we would “jumpstart” our ovaries for each other lol. It always worked!
Periods are beautiful so why are they under attack? Well, because we (any person who menstruates) got their attention and whew are they mad - so they have to go extreme to prove they’re still in charge. Ok, come at me bro.
Bottom line is this, we need to keep talking about the importance of women’s health (in many ways life saving) to ensure the other half of this planet receives equitable care and knowledge.
Periods are exquisite and powerful, period.