My Magic.
It feels like it’s been a whole year over the course of 6 months. Unlock the Magic turned 6 months old last week, and WHEW let me tell ya…
First things first, a quick glossary of terms I’ll use throughout this post -
spirituality = knowing and feeling there is a higher source of some kind (not specific to religion)
asleep = you feel safe and comfortable with how the world is operating today and anything outside of that feels unsafe and you are not open to it
stirring = you’re not comfortable with the way the world is operating today but also not ready to completely jump into the unknown
awake = the way the world is operating today has you feeling completely upside down and you are ready/willing/open to anything at all that will help provide you with peace
spirit guides = the energies that are guiding you into your highest purpose
source = universe/god/creator
ascension = expanding your consciousness beyond the physical form
clairs = connecting with energies
So, I had been stirring (I now know) since the moment I attempted to take my life in 2010 but the stirring was exceptionally slow - but what I did know is that I was kept here on this plane for a reason, I just didn’t know what that was. So, I forced myself to take some down time afterward, but then jumped right back in…interestingly, the work that I began doing did feel good, I was helping others feel good about their physical well being.
From around late 2012 to 2022, that was 10 years of WOW factor growth…I was in the throes of life happening TO me, not for me. I still didn’t think I was fulfilling my highest purpose, but the titles and money sounded good to me as I was beginning a life with my husband. I thought, I’ll figure it out later.
What I now know to be true is that my spirit guides and the universe was going to increasingly pinch me until I entered my full awakening. An awakening doesn’t happen overnight, but in simple terms, this means that your soul starts to remember that, you are in fact a soul brought to this plane, this moment on this earth to learn the human experience, and to experience your highest purpose.
That was heavy, and a lot of words…ok so think of the movie “Soul” - you know the part when they’re all circular blobs and they earn different patches before they can descend to earth? Well, think about the other way around…we’re all here to learn things and to reach the highest purpose of what we can offer in the human form, until we do that, we’ll keep getting sent back to humanity to learn the things.
This is where the pinch comes in…until you awaken, those pinches or triggers or stuff that transpires - happens TO you not FOR you…once you awaken, you feel those triggers or pinches come through as glimmers or messages from your spirit guides validating your course. They will also ask you to sit and stay if there is something that comes up that doesn’t feel aligned to your path - they will ask you to think about what it may be offering you, as it’s all divine and happening for your highest purpose.
If you are asleep, you’ll feel ALL of the pinches and every day looks/feels/sounds like “why is this always happening to me”, “when it rains it pours”, “I have the worst luck”, “that’s the way life goes” etc. - not realizing that your spirit team is trying to get through but you’re not open to receiving yet and that is OK - this does not make you a bad person because on the soul plane, there is no good nor bad…and so it is.
If you are stirring like I was, it wasn’t just that my job wasn’t fulfilling me, it was serving me familiar abuse that I had known my entire life - it actually felt safe to some extent. BUT then through coaching of my own, I started to explore what could be, and what I truly valued in my life. Money and titles always felt important to me, but only because (I now know) that money allowed me to do fun things like travel and to spend time with family, but also to be able to provide the necessities of life. All this said, I was miserable, I was fearful b/c I was in a “I couldn’t possibly, I can’t, there’s no way, what will others think, I don’t know what I’m here to really do” vibe…and I was also starting to think a lot about the time that I attempted to take my own life. So, I began trying to listen.
The solar plexus or intuition or “gut” instinct is something that we all have…I had not been listening to mine throughout the first 40 years of my life. I used to be taken to the hospital quite often thinking I had an ulcer…I now know that was my intuition trying to flag me, I didn’t listen to her. I finally began listening to her summer of 2022…something had to give, it was no longer only my job, but everything felt bad. I wasn’t fulfilled in ANYthing. My coach, Carrie Allen, helped me to realize what could be…she brought me from can’t to could. This paved the way for my entire awakening.
In October 2022, I visited Salem, MA in October - one of the strongest vortices in the world and let alone in October when the energies return to feel magic and to recharge. It was here when I felt my magic for the first time and began to understand what people had always talked about e.g. I’m a force to be reckon with, there’s something about me that is fiercely compassionate, I’m compassionate with an edge, etc.
I left Salem with a renewed energy and curiosity about my magic…what could I do? What could I see that others couldn’t? What gifts do I hold and how could I help others?
I unsubscribed from muggle life on 10/28/22.
Since then, I’ve been ascending at a rapid pace and unlocking so much magic. I believe that everyone on this earth has all of the clairs but rarely does the pace of today’s life allow for humans to sit with themselves, to sit with their abilities and to exercise them regularly. The beautiful gift that I’ve always had naturally and that I exercise daily is clairsentient - I feel the energy of the person who I am sharing sacred space with to be able to navigate to the things that their mind is not allowing them to feel/say etc. This allows the person that I am coaching to not only feel safe and to tap into what their blocker may be for anything in their lives, but to not only be able to learn how to feel safe with it without me but also to move through it and to release/heal.
Recently I’ve been feeling more and more of clairaudience (clear hearing) and claircognizance (clear knowing) with a smattering of clairgustance (clear tasting). I’ve also had instances of clairprognostience (clear knowing of future events) but in real time, I see or sense things happening right before they do. I’ve experienced clairvoyance (clear seeing) once when I saw a hologram in someone’s face that was one of their spirit guides popping in. I’d love to experience clairalience (clear smelling) or clairtangency (clear touching).
I didn’t know that I wanted to coach/guide others in any fashion until March 2023 after I had started my business (Unlock the Magic) which began as a marketing agency…and I got a client immediately, and they were/are simply amazing. I then received my master certification in life coaching (I still didn’t know my full gifts at this point in March/April but was fully open to receiving). Then in May, I began the expedited ascension in which I realized I did not want to lead with Marketing and my gifts began to unfold.
I was then asked to sit with this new awareness over June and July to exercise my abilities but also to figure out how to fold them into my business.
That’s where I reside today. I am a Master Certified Life Coach that leverages her clairsentient (clear feeling) abilities to guide you to your sacred messages from your soul. We then work together to provide an authentic path for your day to day life to harness your highest purpose.